Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Grow Your App Organically

You have made your app and lunched it on the App Store. Great!

You have secured 1000 downloads in the first month. Awesome!

Downloads have now stalled, numbers are just crawling. You have no reviews. Your app is not getting ranked in to first 10 pages of the category. What Next?

If you have millions of $$$ to run App Download campaigns, you will probably be talking to an agency. Brilliant. You are sorted!

If don't have marketing budgets, read on.

The 3 point mantra for getting downloads:

1) Find Keywords
2) Rank Higher
3) Get more downloads

To achieve this, you need to optimize your app for certain set of keywords for different app stores. 

Target those keywords which have higher search volumes and lower competition.

Keep a track on what your competitor apps are doing. Tap their keywords and take a tactical call if you want to gun for those or stay away from them.

Encourage users to post reviews and rate your app, however don't go overboard with it.

The service of optimizing the keywords and targeting category to influence rankings is called as App Store Optimization or A.S.O.

But do remember, this is a time consuming and manpower exhaustive process, but the following results should encourage you to do it.

Ranked No. 1 
Downloads up by 125%

Downloads up by 143%
Revenue up by 285%

This optimization was first mentioned by Google in Google I/O 2012 with a case study of Storm8, eBuddy and PocketGems.

For more information on A.S.O. feel free to get in touch with me at

Monday, April 28, 2014


In this post I am going to tell you why you cannot succeed.

Do you want to know:

Why you will fail to have a great career?Why you will fail?Why you will never be rich?Why you will never be successful?


You have to fit in to the society right? What happens if you behave the way you wanted to?

The fundamental problem is that you judge people hence you are feared of being judged by the people.

After getting your engineering degree, you had a passion to become a chef. Would you ever in your wildest dreams think of quitting your 6 digit salary job for 3 years of struggle and a meager compensation? You wouldn’t and you know why, because your society, you think, will look down upon you.
Most dreams in this world are killed only because of “What will people think?” rather than anything else.

Cut lose. Be yourself. Dare to be different, dare to be you!


How well can you face reality? How smart are you?

Stop answering what you really can’t. Accept the fact. You are not smart enough! If you were, you possible would be writing this article than reading it.

You are getting annoyed as you keep reading on and you know why? It’s only because of your false ego that you feel that you are important.

The more you feed your ego, the deeper you attract failure.
If I asked you to read an article on something related to your own domain you would in all possibility say “I don’t need to, I know it all!” The fact being, every person uses only 3% of their brain. (WikiPedia It, I am sure your ego will do it for you!)

Stop taking yourself so seriously. No one else does!


How curious are you to know why the water is blue or why do your b$*s itch every morning you wake up. 

You probably aren’t.

You have all reasons to not be. It doesn’t really directly affect your daily course.

You believe the media, you believe in everything that you see. Have you ever thought of questioning the way the things are?

You spend loads of time playing candy crush / pet rescue / flappy bird and other loads on reading updates on Facebook. Have you every invested 10 percent of that time in reading about the conspiracy theory?

You cannot improvise until you don’t accept the fact that you lack anxiety and curiosity.

Successful people have the itch to keep learning something new, which in no way has any relation to their occupation or career.


When was the last time you visited a library to read on a topic you like?

When was the last time you opened a book to know about something that randomly tickled your mind?

I will tell you. It was when you were in school which is possible over a decade or two now.

You find the excuse of not having time with busy hectic work schedules. 

What about the amount of time you spend every day reading your WhatsApp group messages?

Successful people often read when you spend time watching MTV or other music channels.


Reading this article is making you itchy, because I have textually shown you your image.

The truth is, it relates to you and subconsciously you are thinking of changing but you just can’t handle it!

You would never possibly put your tongue out to taste the truth because you know it’s bitter.

Truth is like bourbon, one the first, bitter to its core but when you start consuming it, you develop a taste. It’s not for everyone; it’s only the drink of the successful!

Successful people gracefully embrace the truth.


Have you ever questioned authority?

Have you ever questioned yourself?

Have you ever questioned your limits?

The answer, as we know, is “NO”.

You know why? It is because you think you will be muscled down if you ask questions.

Your argument, you have tried but have been mulled over. The key lies in asking the right questions at the right time.

Success comes to people to dare to question and stand by their questions till they don’t get a desired logical answer.


When was the last time you failed?

Was it in delivering your work on time?

Was it in an exam?

These failures are not even considered!

You love to reject rejection and keep the “Do-It-Tomorrow” attitude.

The fear of failure has stopped you from attempting at multiple occasions in your life. Hasn’t it?

The more you fail, the more you learn! Every failure brings with it new learning and successful people are only successful because of their perseverance and learning.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Life In Reverse

Think about this, living you next life totally backward.

A beautiful quote from Woody Allen:

In my next life I want to live backward.
You start our dead and get that out of the way.

Then you wake up in an old people's home feeling better every day.

You get kicked out for being too healthy, 
go collect your pension, and then
when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on the first day.

You work for 40 years until you are young enough to enjoy your retirement.

You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school.

You then go a primary school, you play,
you have no responsibilities, you become a 
baby until you are born.

And then you spend your last 9 months
floating in a luxurious SPA like conditions
with central heating and room service on top,
larger quarters everyday and then, VOILA!

You finish off as an orgasm!

I rest my case

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Some Inspiring Quotes - Go for it!

Take whatever u can from your life. 
Because when life starts taking from you, it takes even ur last breath

“Hope” is the little voice you hear whisper “May Be” when it seems the entire world is saying “No”

I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, all I am saying is that it will be worth it.

Don’t ever compare yourself with anyone in this world, no one else can do a better job of being you than you.

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing” - Abraham Lincoln

“Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed” - Emily Dickinson

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing” - Dale Carnage

“Try not to become a man of success but a man of value” - Albert Einstein

“I owe my success to having listned respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite” - G. K. Chestorton

“The only way of finding the limits of the possible by going beyond them into the impossible” - Arthur Clarke

“Encouragement is a necessary part of supervision” - Thomas J Watson

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit” - Aristole

“If you can do a half-assed job in anything, you are a one-eyed man in the kingdom of blind” - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

“Take calculated risk. That is quite different from being rash” - George S Patton

“If you do not hope, you will never find whats beyond your hopes” - St. Clement of Alexandra

“Great spirits have always encountered voilent opposition from mediocre minds” - Albert Einstein

So if you think you have failed, it was never you, it was always your idea. Join the forum where we would love to analyze any idea or business that you had which failed - Ideas That Failed